Grant Me

October 22nd, 2009

“Lord, grant me the serenity to

accept the things I cannot change,

the courage to change the things I can,

and the wisdom to know the difference.”



Even the Little Things…

October 19th, 2009

“What do we do when we face challenges that make us wonder what’s ahead? The answers are not always easy, and the direction is not always clear. In these circumstances, our hope is in God alone. Our lives and our times are in His hands, and He assures us that He is the rock we can stand upon through the storm.”

~Roy Lessin

If you look back on your life, how many challenges can you remember going through? How did they end up? I think it’s pretty safe for me to say that these difficult circumstances did not end up the way you thought they would or the way you planned them to…am I right. Yeah, I thought so. Well, I have a secret to tell you…its okay. Do you want to know why? Because you and I have a great God who is in charge of circumstances, people, the future, life, our world, and the whole universe.

Now, how many of you are going through a challenge or tough time right now? It can be anything from not having enough money for something, losing your job, not knowing where God is leading you next in your life, saying goodbye to someone/something/someplace that is close to your heart, or maybe you just feel as if you can never do anything right because you have failed so many times in the past. 

We, as humans, really do not understand why God allows certain things, even little things, to happen in our lives and we cannot even begin to comprehend how difficult circumstances will ultimately work out for good. But the one thing that each and every one of us can rest in is this; God is always with us and He will never leave us nor forsake us. Even when we forget that God is longing to listen to every whisper that we breathe, He is still right beside us.

This past summer I taught at a four-week character camp and while I was there I saw God miraculously work in many young hearts. One of the kids that I got to know pretty well was a boy named [Eric]. During camp, he and I had quite a few chances to talk about different topics in life. We talked about girls, dating/courting, how to resolve anger, good choices, bad choices, consequences, rewards, forgiveness, and prayer…just to name a few. When [Eric] first came to our camp he was a fun-loving, super smart, super sweet kid who had a little mischievous streak running right through the middle of his angelic heart. [Eric] was what we called a “helper” and part of his job was to help tutor students in younger grades. Well, he did an excellent job doing that (and anything that we asked him to do) but, like every other person in the world, he had a few bad days where his patience level ended up at “nada”.

One day in particular he was having a really rough time and so I called him over to see if he wanted to “talk it out”. He vented non-stop for about five minutes and then finally paused for a breath. When I asked him if he remember something special from the day before he answered, “Well, yeah! I asked Jesus to forgive me from my sins and he came into my heart!”  

“Right! Now, if Jesus is in your heart then He is going to want to help you become more like Him so that you can be an example to the people around you. Patience is something that a lot of people have to work on, but God can help you with it if you ask Him. Would you like to pray with me and ask God to give you patience?”

“Well, I guess. This kid is really driving me over the edge, so…why not! But, you pray first! That way you can ask God to help me not become mad and swear while I’m praying…and you better ask Him to help me not go over there and pummel that kid.” (he then gave me a sweet, sly grin. oohhh! the cute, little, amazing, kid that he is!!)

So, [Eric] and I prayed for God to give patience, joy, and understanding to both of us. We also asked that He would use every circumstance throughout our day to His glory and honor. And (wonder of wonders!) we both had an INCREDIBLE day after that.

A few days later, we took all of the camp “helpers” to an amusement park. We divided all the kids/teachers up on different teams and, well, [Eric] did not get to be with Jesse, (who was the teacher that really, really wanted to hang out with) and so you could say that [Eric] was pretty ticked. I pulled him over to the side and talked to him about how he was going to have to make a decision to have a good attitude no matter what because “all circumstances work for the good to them that love God and are called according to His purpose.” [Eric] and I talked for a while before I asked if he would want to pray and thank God for this particular circumstance and also to ask God to help him have a good attitude about it no matter what. He finally consented to pray and told God that he would still really like to be with Jesse, but that he would be happy no matter what happened. I prayed as well and then reminded [Eric] that God has our best interest at heart and that everything happens for a reason. About five minutes later, [Eric] came running up to me with a humongous grin on his face, jumping up and down, and yelling, “I get to be on Mr. Jesse’s team! Ms. Amy put me on Mr. Jesse’s team! I get to be with Mr. Jesse!”

[Eric’s] brothers and friends had told him a few days before that God does not answer prayer, but on August 8th, 2009 God answered that boy’s prayer. And I believe He did it to show is great and amazing love to [Eric] and to show me that He is capable of anything and is not bound by circumstances of this world.

I serve a great God who cares for His children and no matter what situation, issue, or hardship you are facing know that God is right there beside you – ready to help you when you stumble, catch you when you fall, and pick you up when you have been hurt so bad that you can go on no more. God is listening for your cry, waiting to heal your heart.

Trust Him fully…He cares.


Frontier City!

September 15th, 2009

I can’t believe it! We, my family and all the helpers/teachers from Character Camp, are going to Frontier City! Frontier City is an amusement park. Our way is paid all we have to do is meet at the school. God has totally provided so that our whole family can go. Jocelyn, Harrison, Bridget, and Courtney had gotten tickets to go from our library. Older kids don’t get tickets 🙁 So when we heard we were going we were so totally excited. That just goes to prove that God takes care of all your hearts desires. When you are in line with God your desires are His desires.

Talk to ya’ll soon,


Icing Galore!

August 29th, 2009

Okay, I just about had the most fun, amazing, hilarious day of my life. Well actually, it wasn’t today, it was Friday. Our craft for that day was to make houses. We had little milk cartons, icing for glue, and pretzels to stick on. Well after the kids had left we found that we had some left over icing. J So as I was walking out the door to the car, minding my own business. One of the helpers came up swiped my face with icing then ran away. I dashed after him with a big glob of icing. I smeared it all over his face, but he jerked his head and it mostly landed on/in his ear. Then everyone (even the camp teachers!) got into it and it was a fight-for-your-life, get-everyone-you-can, have-fun, most awesome food fight I’ve ever had. J Okay so it’s the only food fight I’ve ever had. When we ran out of icing everyone had it all in their hair (it’s a really great gelJ), all over their face, and caked onto their arms. WE had an interesting time getting in the car and going home. But we made it without getting too much on the seats.

Laughing with you,


God Is…….

August 29th, 2009

“Do you know about my Father?”

 No I’m not talking about the one here on earth,

I’m talking about……God.


He is my Father, Provider, Healer, and Creator.

He is the one and only one I can trust with my whole heart.

He is the one who created me

He is the one who leads my footsteps

He is the one who let’s me breath, each day

He is the one who heals my scars

He is my shepherd, and I am the lost sheep

He finds me and leads me back the pasture.”



These words are so true, God is all those things I have written.

Remember these when you are lost.

Tell others about these things.


God Bless,


What I’ve been learning with Character Camp

August 17th, 2009

Wow! God’s amazing! Character Camp has been very challenging for me.

I’ve had to learn a lot of tolerance, which is knowing that everyone is at varying levels of maturity.  I’ve had to hold my tongue when people irritate me.


These past three weeks I can see people changing.  One person was a very annoying and knew very well how to get on my nerves. That day we had been talking about when people irritate you, ask God to help you get along with them.  Well this person was getting on my nerves so just before I blew up I held up my finger and said, “Hang on, just a minute.”  I bowed my head and asked God to help me to let go of whatever he was saying/doing that was getting on my nerves. (I don’t even remember what it wasJ)

When I looked up again I was full of peace. Then he asked, “Did you just pray for God to help you?”  I answered yes. 

“Wait.” Then he bowed his head and asked for God’s help.

“You all good now?” I asked when he looked up.

“Yep! I’m good.”

It was amazing to see that, that one little thing I did influenced him to do the same and to call on God’s help. Remember that people watch how you react to something bad, embarrassing, or maddening.

They annoy you just to see who you really are. And to see if you are, who you really say you are, a Christian.

Remember… Someone is always watching.

Love Him, obey Him, and follow Him in all your ways.


Amazing, Amazing, Amazing!

August 16th, 2009

I just finished teaching at a four week camp and it was insanely wonderful! While working with awesome team members and amazing kids…I’ll never forget any of them…I have figured out that nothing in the world is better than serving God with incredible, like-minded, beautiful people by your side.

Oh, the stories I could tell of how God’s hand was evident in every single circumstance that occurred. I really cannot believe all that God did for us and through us in only four weeks! God’s unity and peace were definitely with us the whole time. I would not trade any of the experiences I had for anything…well, I might trade the goodbyes for something. (That was a very hard and traumatic day-I hate goodbyes.) ;(

I want to thank all of you for praying for us during this time. You have no idea how much your prayers meant to us and they definitly kept Satan from interfering with our work. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

To all of the CC interns I just want to say thanks for all you did for me. You guys kept me strong, kept me smiling, and kept me focused on God and for that I am eternally grateful. I miss you guys terribly and hope God allows all of us to meet up again someday. I love you and I’m praying for you!

Good Times (ILYK)…



Ummmmm… (hehe)


Worst Enemies… ]:)



Best of Friends (you know it!)…


“Missing someone isn’t about how long it’s been since you’ve seen them last,

or the amount of time since you’ve last talked.

It’s about that very moment when you’re doing something

and you wish that they were right there beside you.”                   ~Anonymous

Much love and God bless,


You Don’t Have To Be The Same

July 19th, 2009

What God has been doing in my life is incredible!  Right know he is teaching me how to be a good example to the kids at Character camp and all over.  He is also teaching me that I don’t have to be like everybody else, and I can make a difference in people’s lives just by not trying to be better  than every body else. 

Sometimes I try to be like someone else.  The problem is I am not them, and I can be a better person by just being who I am.  The Bible says to love those who hate you and bless those who persecute you.  In Character camp, and with the friends and places around me,  God is teaching me amazing things and I hope I can share some of those with you later on.

Just remember…you don’t have to be the same as everyone else.  Just be your self and people while like you a lot better.

In Christ,


We Have a Mission

July 19th, 2009

“We have a mission, we have a purpose,

We have to tell others about our Heavenly Father.

Cause soon He’s coming back for me,

When the trumpet calls,

He’s coming through the clouds!

When my Father comes back,

He’s bringing me back with him!

Oh I just can’t wait, until my Father’s return!

Cause I’m going home with my Father!”



God was telling me through different things, that we have a mission.

We must tell others about our Heavenly Father.

God Bless You All!!!!!


You Need Not But Believe

July 11th, 2009

Daughter of a King

Destined to be Queen

Must first find the lost

Jewels of her kingdom


Though hardships and trials

Await in darkness

The God of light, faith, hope, and love

Will always guide and stay by your side


Through miracles unknown

He shows the way

Lean on His strength, and not your own

True friends will lead you not astray


Though things may seem as though they’ve failed

Believe and you will see

That the broken pieces of the day

Will fulfill His plan all the more


Though the darkness may overcome

The Light shines steadily

Dim or bright it’s always there

You need not but believe


God gave me the words to this song as a reminder that no matter what He’s there

Look beyond the pain in the trial and find the light He’s given you

And remember to thank Him for thinking you worthy of the trial

