Our Christmas Vacation (Part 1)…

January 1st, 2010

…with Mom’s side of the family.

Courtney     Aunt Susan & Uncle Brandon

Uncle Brandon, Mom, and Aunt Kelly

Josie     Brianna

Marcus & Aunt Kelly

Dad & Mom     Granmary & Papa


Christmas Time

December 26th, 2009

Have you ever felt that at times in your life nothing seems to go as planned? God asks you to follow Him and wholly surrender and in doing so, you become convinced that life isn’t going to work out how you planned or things in your life will “never be the same”. To be honest, I’ve  felt that way pretty often this past year. For me, this feeling has been and is worse at certain times of the year.

Well last night in bed, I was thinking of Christmas. Actually I was thinking of the commercial Christmas. The perfect ham and potatoes dinner. The perfect family that you see on t.v., the ones that never have any problems. Hot chocolate and a fire blazing in the hearth. The multiple, huge gifts that endlessly surround the Christmas tree. The tiny box hidden way in the corner behind the Christmas tree that holds the most special gift for that one most special person. Santa going around to all the little boys and girls and giving them exactly what they asked for.  Snow softly falling; making the world outside your window a quiet, winter wonderland. Family gathering on Christmas morning; their faces filled with anticipation and wonder… I thought about all of this and wondered about the people who didn’t have all that, who didn’t think they had a reason to celebrate this special time of the year. I realized that although this commercial Christmas was filled with happiness, joy, and wonder, there was something even more special to celebrate. Jesus Christ’s birth.

Now, I know that most of you probably celebrate Jesus’ birth in some way, shape, or form, but is that really the main focus in Christmas? Does your heart celebrate the most beautiful and wonderful event ever or are you more exited about the lights, the holly, receiving the gift you have been waiting for all year? I’m not saying that you should never receive presents, go shopping, or give gifts to other people to express your love or friendships to them, those are all good things. But Christmas should not be about spending, but giving. There’s a difference…think about it. I really hope that you do not feel guilty or condemned about all that went on yesterday, but my heart was really challenged in it’s thinking and I wanted yours to be challenged as well.

Last night, I came up with this conclusion about Christmas. Christmas is…

C – Celebrating Christ as the center of our

H – hearts and homes, while

R – realizing that if Christ hadn’t come down as a babe to grow up, just to die for you and me, it would be

I – impossible for us to live, to love, or have eternal life.

S – Santa gives to many on one night a year, but Christ gives to all young and old, rich and poor, believing and unbelieving, beautiful and ugly, deserving and undeserving…every day of every lifetime. Christmas is the

T – today, the now, where it is our responsibility to share and celebrate Christ’s love and knowledge with everyone, tomorrow we must do the same. Christmas is a

M – mindset, not a single day. Christmas is focusing on giving to

A – all, sharing love and friendship, giving of our time and heart, not just our pocketbook. Christmas is not about

S – spending, it is about sharing. It is about giving.

Celebrate Christmas every day.

Merry Christmas,


Take the Time…Now

December 17th, 2009

Don’t wait for the big things in life,  for soon you’ll be there with all the things you’ve been waiting for and realize they don’t matter that much. And the people who had mattered are gone from your life now.                                   You’ll realize that you’ve missed out on a whole bunch of events, times, special memories, and people that were way more important…you just didn’t take the time to notice them.                                                                                      

              You passed them by on your way to the “Big things” never noticing that small chin trembling, that phone call unnoticed, that friend who needs someone to listen to them, that email unanswered, the one person who needs a big hug and an encouraging word.                                                            

             Don’t wait…realize who and what’s important. Be there for your friends who need you, call that person back, take the time to be with your family, make special memories, have conversations over hot chocolate.                 

            Make the most of every day, because when you look back one day you’ll see and remember all of the “little and seemingly unimportant” things that had happened and you’ll know…they truly are the “big and most important” things in life. 

“Enjoy the little things in life… for one day you’ll look back and realize they were the big things.” ~Unknown


Happiness is…

December 15th, 2009

What is happines to me? Happiness is…

*Feeling empowered and used by God.

*Having friends here, and around the country.

*Knowing I’m loved by my family, my friends, and the kids I’ve met here in Oklahoma.

*Kid’s sunshine smiles breaking through the long and weary days.

*Watching the sun rise while I’m reading my Bible, talking with God, or just thinking.

*Making a difference in the lives of these Oklahoman kids.

*Chit-chatting with a good friend over the phone or hot chocolate.

*Knowing that goodbyes aren’t for forever.

*Knowing I’ve helped someone get through their bad day and put a smile back on their face.

*Knowing that God unserstands what I’m going through in life. And knowing He’s in control and not me. *Thankfully*

That’s what happiness is to me. What is happiness to you? Leave a comment and let me know.

Happy in Him,


Isaiah 41:9-10

December 9th, 2009

“I took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you. I said, ‘You are my servant; I have chosen you and have not rejected you. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”     ~Isaiah 41:9-10

As Christians, God calls us to live a life that completely honors Him. We are called by God to be a light to the world, make disciples, love our enemies, surrender everything to Him, and more. And sometimes, this can be hard. There are days that God finds me broken and crying; convinced that every force in the world is against me and believing that I can never overcome trials or temptations in my life.

There are days for all of us when we have no love to give, no strength to keep going, no desire to serve, and no resolve to share a smile. But those are the days that God is closest to us and we just need to ask for His help. If we are doing God’s work and living for Him, don’t you think that He will help us to accomplish that?

There is a poem that I really like called “So Send I You” by E. Margaret Clarkson and it goes like this…clos

“So send I you by grace made strong to triumph

O’er hosts of hell, o’er darkness, death and sin,

My name to bear, and in that name to conquer-

So send I you, my victory to win.


So send I you to take to souls in bondage

The Word of Truth that sets the captives free,

To break the bonds of sin, to loose death’s fetters,

So send I you to bring the lost to me.


So send I you my strength to know in weakness,

My joy in grief, My perfect peace in pain,

To prove My power, My grace, My promised presence,

So send I you, eternal fruit to gain.


So send I you to bear My cross with patience,

And then one day with joy to lay it down,

To hear My voice, “Well done My faithful servant

Come share My throne, My kingdom and My crown.”

God bless you,

Brianna –<@


We are Family!…

December 7th, 2009








Happy Birthday, Addison!

November 30th, 2009

“Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear Addison! Happy birthday to you!”

Happy 14th birthday, Addison! We love you!!!!

The Gomez Gang







Thankful For…

November 26th, 2009


T ~ Time spent with family and friends <3

H ~ Hershey’s chocolate and Dr. Pepper *grin*

A ~ All-nighters with movies, laughter, conversation, and friendship

N ~ Nerds and Airheads (hehe)

K ~ Kind hearts

S ~ Sunshine and Gerber Daisies

G ~ Guitars, Pianos, and Mandolins

I ~ Inspiration from God

V ~ Vitamins and Wellness Tabs (thank you, Mom! lol)

I ~ Ice Cream at Braums

N ~ Nail Polish and Jeans (aahh, the joys of life)

G ~ God


God is not limited. What has He given to you? What are you thankful for? (Hint: Leave me a comment and let me know. *grin*)


Letting go to follow God

November 25th, 2009

Well lately, I’ve been learning about letting go to close friends, and to follow God.

It seems so hard to get real close to people and then they leave and we never see them again, until we meet in heaven.

Sometimes when my closest friends leave, I feel like I cry a puddle of tears, and I don’t understand why God puts these people in my life, then just take them away.

But now I understand a little bit more; God wants me to learn not to look up to my friends, but to look up to Him and let go of everything and follow God.  He knows what’s best for everyone, even though it seems hard at times.  He is waiting for me to fall into His loving arms and trust Him.

God gives us trials, and some are harder then others, but He is testing us to see if we really love Him.

 God Bless ya’ll



Hold Nothing Back

November 4th, 2009

Hold Nothing Back


I hold onto what’s not mine

My relationships, my friends, my life,

My hopes, my dreams & my kids

            And I give too much

Of what’s not mine to give

My thoughts, my emotions,

My feelings & my heart

            It hurts me in the end

When my heart is broken,

When my feelings are hurt,

When tears of pain run down my cheeks

When no one else is there, but You

            You’ve always been there for me

Waiting for me to run to You

So You can dry my tears, & comfort my heart

            You’ve been waiting for me

To give You everything

To hold nothing back

So You can bless me

With everything I need

            You call my name, begging me to turn away

Every time I take the easy road

That always ends in pain, tears, & heartache

            You don’t give up on me

You just wait patiently for me

To make the choice to come back to You

To lay it all in Your hands

To give it to You and not take it back

            I now give everything to You, Lord

Nothing is mine, it’s all Yours

My life, my body, my mind, my hopes, my dreams

My feelings, my kids, my soul, & my Heart

I give them all to You now

Take them; Put them under lock & key

I’m holding nothing back from You now

You’re the Only One who can see what could be

The choices, the consequences, the pain, the regret

But I know, that that’s not the road I want to take

I know that the longer I hold onto what isn’t mine

The harder it will be, to give back to You

            So I give it all to You now

Take them, Keep them, they are Yours now

Do what You know is best, not what I think is best

I hold nothing back from You, God

Everything is Yours, Lord

Yours to crush, to build, to make new, to fulfill

I’ve given everything to You

            So now I’m free, free to live for You

I can live this life; You’ve got planned for me

Without a care, because; I held nothing back



Hold nothing back from God. He’s waiting to bless you beyond what you can imagine.

He wants you to live for Him.

How can you when you’re worried about what may not happen unless you take control?

Nothing should matter as long as you’re serving Him.

And one day all the rest of these things will fall into place. Don’t go chasing after relationships, don’t give away pieces of your heart… it isn’t worth it, & it hurts way too much.

Save yourself & your heart for the one God has for you. He will bring that special person into your life when it is time. Not to soon, and not too late. He knows when the right time is.

You need to prepare for that time with all your heart, soul, mind, & strength. 

It’s a very hard & challenging road to face. But when the days are more than you can bear, tears escape, & you are ready to give up because it is ‘just too hard.’

Look to God, He’s there every step of the way. Waiting to cheer you on, dry your tears & help you to get back up & finish the race. Keep fighting, don’t give up, because in the end it will all be worth it.



Your sister in battle,
