Journey Pictures!!

Here are just some fun, random pictures that I shot during Journey. Camille and I’s team leaders were absolutly incredible and have very beautiful hearts! Team… you all were amazing and I thank God that each and every one of you were there! Miss you guys!!

We took 6 fifteen passenger vans!! Car rides are sooo much fun!... Punch bug!


Our little (big) Pizza Hut escapade Fun alllll night long!

School is in session!

Camille + Hannah C. = Uncontrollable Laughter Beautiful Bond Falls!!

My *cough* twin, Hannah... Is your shirt still wet?

The "real" us. Hahaha! Arielle! So Sweet!

My roommate Jenny!

Our Chinese friends, Rika and Charissa. Love you girls! Our amazing leam leaders... Tiffany and Olivia!!!

Sweet Jane!! Hahaha! Eden, Camille, and Rika!

One Response to “Journey Pictures!!”

  1. cowgrlsheart Says:

    Bri…I MISS YOU! NO JOKE…it is so not even funny! Love you girl. Cute pics…and def. the one of you and me :):):)

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