Gone in a Blink

I figured out what it means to live in the “fast lane.” Life I now say goes by way too fast. I’m going to be sixteen in a couple of months, and I’ve been in Oklahoma for nearly two years! It’s too crazy to be real. Every time I think about it I realize how fast life comes and goes. And if you don’t take the chances and opportunities when they come your way their gone too soon. Sometimes I wish I could just go back to the ‘slow’ life of a kid. But… life and time don’t stop to let us relive the past. It just keeps right on going. And pretty soon, another day has passed, and another, and another. And before you know it a year has passed in your life and you pause to think about that year that passed by in a blink of your eye. You sit back and wonder what happened that year. How you impacted someone, how you changed, learned lessons (whether hard or easy :P), and grew spiritually. You see how far you’ve come from where you were, how God has come through again and again.  That year was probably fast, challenging, and definitely a life changing experience that’s already over (though you may wish it wasn’t). But just remember, that year may be over but your life isn’t over. Don’t waste the rest of your life looking back and wishing you could go back and change what has already happened. Keep making an impact on the people around you. Take the oppurtunities God gives you. Share His love and light with the whole world. One light can make a big difference in a dark room. You can be that one light. Let it shine for Jesus.

Living for Christ,


“Only one life will soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last.”



2 Responses to “Gone in a Blink”

  1. Josiah Magnuson Says:

    Thanks, Camille. This is a very meaningful article. Sometimes I think the same way – life seems to get faster and faster, and it’s hard to be growing up! But thankfully God inspires us and keeps giving us opportunities to shine for Him. The opportunities may be new and different, but they still exist! The key is to learn from God’s Word in pace with our new challenges, so we can be the impact that God wants us to be, where we are.

    Btw, can I publish your article? I can always leave your name off it if you want.

  2. camille Says:

    Hey Josiah, sorry this is so late in coming. I actually didn’t know you had commented until a little bit ago. I hope God used my words to bless your day, and you can go ahead and publish my article. What are you publishing it for?

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