While I’m Waiting

I’m graduating this Saturday, May 29th, 2010. I can’t believe I made it this far! People are asking me what I am planning on doing next and honestly I don’t really know. I just think that it is amazing how life can change so quickly! I make plans, people around me make plans, and…God makes plans. And for some reason, God’s plans are the ones that come to pass, whether I want them to or not. Proverbs 19:21 says, “Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” In the past few months, but especially these last two weeks, God has really been showing me that His plans are the plans that prevail.

Right now, one chapter of my life is coming to an end. Another is just beginning. The last chapter was filled with so many surprises and twists and turns. It was (and still is) filled with laughter, good memories, tears, growing pains, ups, downs, and many, many things that I cannot even begin to describe!  This next chapter is full of… unknown. My life song right now is a song called “while-im-waiting” by John Waller. (Click on the song title, to listen to the song.)

I am waiting. I am wishing. I think I know what I want, but I have no idea what to expect. There is only one absolute and that is; God is in control. And I am so glad that He knows what is going to take place for me this summer, this next year, and beyond!

During this time, while I am waiting for God to show me where to go, I am taking the little steps He is leading me to. While I am waiting for God to give direction, I am working on becoming a woman after God’s own heart and serving, without reserve, the people around me. To God be the glory forever and ever. Amen!

Jeremiah 29:11-14 ~ ” ‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,’ declares the Lord…”

Following God,


My Bestie!          The Shidler Owls!


hhmmmm... ;)          Braums!!


ch20          ch13


The Perfect Pose          DP, Smiles, Friends = Amazing!

ch16          ch10


Late Nighter!          Memories, Food, Pick-Up Lines = GP!

The "After-Session" WalMart Run

2 Responses to “While I’m Waiting”

  1. jeriah.kiang Says:

    Woot! Way to take pictures from my camera. 🙂 Anyways, way to keep seeking God. 😀 It’s always so encouraging to see people staying on the right track. The one biggest thing I miss from CF!E is being around all these awesome people that are actually actively seeking God. 😀 I’m trying to do the same here! Keep going! woot!

  2. addison Says:

    hey jer I know those pics are assome but that’s because there from your camera.

    Anyway I just wanted to tell you thanks for being a man of God and all that… you have encouraged me more than you know to do more than you know… 🙂

    but as we go through life we can keep each other acountable for what we say we are going to do. keep looking at Him, and he will keep your path straight.

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