Isaiah 41:9-10

“I took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you. I said, ‘You are my servant; I have chosen you and have not rejected you. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”     ~Isaiah 41:9-10

As Christians, God calls us to live a life that completely honors Him. We are called by God to be a light to the world, make disciples, love our enemies, surrender everything to Him, and more. And sometimes, this can be hard. There are days that God finds me broken and crying; convinced that every force in the world is against me and believing that I can never overcome trials or temptations in my life.

There are days for all of us when we have no love to give, no strength to keep going, no desire to serve, and no resolve to share a smile. But those are the days that God is closest to us and we just need to ask for His help. If we are doing God’s work and living for Him, don’t you think that He will help us to accomplish that?

There is a poem that I really like called “So Send I You” by E. Margaret Clarkson and it goes like this…clos

“So send I you by grace made strong to triumph

O’er hosts of hell, o’er darkness, death and sin,

My name to bear, and in that name to conquer-

So send I you, my victory to win.


So send I you to take to souls in bondage

The Word of Truth that sets the captives free,

To break the bonds of sin, to loose death’s fetters,

So send I you to bring the lost to me.


So send I you my strength to know in weakness,

My joy in grief, My perfect peace in pain,

To prove My power, My grace, My promised presence,

So send I you, eternal fruit to gain.


So send I you to bear My cross with patience,

And then one day with joy to lay it down,

To hear My voice, “Well done My faithful servant

Come share My throne, My kingdom and My crown.”

God bless you,

Brianna –<@


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