God Blesses Through People

Over the past several months, we have been overwhelmed to see God at work in meeting needs through his faithful and obedient children.  I realize that it is sometimes difficult for us as grown adults to view ourselves as children.  But who better to be a child of, than God himself. 

A few weeks ago some friends discovered that one of their children was going to need special medical tests performed.  With no money to cover the additional expenses, our friends were at a loss as to how they were going to cover the additional cost.  As they were prayerfully thinking about this dilemma and told a friend about what they needed, the same friend realized and stated that God had already provided the way.  Just the day before, their friend met a man of influence at a the Scottish Rite Hospital.  He stated that if you have a need for the help of the hospital, don’t hesitate to call.  She thought it very strange that this man she had just met, offered so much.   The fact is, God’s provision had been given even before the need was known.

A couple of weeks ago, a bi-vocational pastor friend of ours became aware of the need of an elderly lady.  She had some small bills to pay, but had no money to pay them.  Our pastor friend had no money to spare, especially since he was between jobs.  He and his wife agreed to help anyway with what they had and paid the small bills on behalf of the lady, as unto the Lord.  The elderly woman had nothing to offer except some gift cards that she had no use for.  She gave those to the pastor which met a need in their life with groceries amounting to over ten-fold what they had given.  God again used two faithful people to provide blessings among each other.  God is faithful with his promises.

Just last weekend, our family had a garage sale to lighten our load and to raise some needed cash.  It was now Sunday morning and the thought of the money we raised with the garage sale came to mind.  I was asking myself, if I should tithe on the money we made.  I reasoned with myself that this money was not from a job or my work, and that God had simply provided for our needs and there was no need to tithe the garage sale money.  After all, we had already tithed on the money years ago before we had even made the purchases in the first place.  It would be like tithing twice on the same money;  a little bit like double taxation.  As I reasoned back and forth with myself, I finally remembered that God wants us to give cheerfully and tithe on what God provides, as he provides.  With that, I decided that no matter how God provides, we are going to be faithful and tithe of our money and time, whether he provides through our work, His blessings through others, or garage sales.  What is so amazing is that that very Sunday, early in the afternoon, we received a call from some dear friends of ours that they were on there way over.  God blessed us through them to meet a vital need for our family that afternoon.  God is faithful to His promises and He blesses all of us daily.

How is your faithfulness?  Have you taken notice of how God has used you to bless others, or used others to bless you recently?  He is at work every day.  We must open our eyes to the wondrous works of God and we will be amazed at his work.


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