
Being raised in central New Mexico with the magnificence of the Mountains all around me, it was somewhat easy to believe in a God that create such a place.  I am making a reference to a time that I believed as a child in an all powerful God.

I grew up in a home where both my mother and father were Christians in the truest sense of the word.  They believed and accepted personally for themselves the gift that God so freely offers to every one of us in His son, Jesus Christ.  In that God gave His son to die, as a replacement for each one us, for the penalty of disobedience and the sin against the one and only true God.  The one requirement being not that we must be perfect to accept this gift or to forever attempt to be good or do good things to earn such a gift, but that we must simply recognize that we have sinned, and that we are not perfect, and that we accept Christ as our own personal replacement for the punishment of past and future failures.

This understanding and belief is not only that of my parents, but is my own belief and personal story.  I accepted this for my own life when was just six years old.  No, I didn’t understand all the complications of life that would come to befall me in the years to come, nor did I think for a moment that I would fail myself, my family, my friends and my God as I have throughout my existence.   But it is because of those failures that remind me and cause me to be forever grateful for a God that cares so deeply for me that He would make such a sacrificial plan to give His son, who was perfect, because He knew that I could never be.  And most of all for the dear friend, mentor and savior of my life, Jesus Christ himself, who makes this all possible.

It is my sincere desire that you don’t stop searching for the thing that will completely fill the void in your life.  You know the one of which I write.  But I hope that you would consider the God’s gift in Jesus Christ as the answer for you.  And as you read the stories that we will share on this site, that you might discover the reality of my own story and know that it is true, because you come one day to experience it for your life.

In His purpose,
