Growing Pangs

Good Morning Friends! I am already having such an awsome day today. I woke up to say good bye to my Uncle, who is even now on his way back to his home in Indiana. We all had such a wonderful time while he was staying with us, he keeps us laghing all the time. (He was even laughing when he crashed into the front fence while driving the lawnmower trying to figure out how the crazy thing worked.)

Since he was here I didn’t have much time to blog, but I wanted to share with you something I went through last Wednesday night and Thursday morning. Well, first off, all of you who personaly know me know that I am a little on the…shorter side. (A couple of weeks ago, I had to get measured so I could go get my Driver’s Permit and I figured out that I am exactly five feet and 1/2 inch tall.) Anyway, on Wednesday night I could not sleep at all and I was so happy about that. The reason I was so happy was because I was in major, major pain. I know it sounds weird but I was experiencing growing pangs and I haven’t had those in a long time! I was so excited, but it hurt really bad. Around midnight I finally fell asleep and when I woke up on Thursday the pain was gone! Nnnooo!! I wanted to scream. My legs weren’t in pain and as far as I can tell I didn’t grow. As I went on throughout the day I kept thinking, Why did I go through that if I didn’t grow or do anything?  After I thought about it a little bit I figured out that I did grow, but not in the normal way. I grew spiritually. God gave me a revelation. (Some of you know that that is quite unusual because I normally only get them when doing Chemistry homework) So, my revelation was this…when there are times in our lives when we aren’t growing in God or feeding our Spirit with His Word, we become stagnant. We stay the same height in our relationship with Him. We want God to work a miracle in us or through us, but we aren’t willing to go through things for Him. So when the “miracle” of spriritual growing pangs comes we aren’t ready. We experience the pain and the trial (not that all trials are painful), but we don’t move anywhere. We aren’t any taller. If we want to grow in Him we’ve got to feed ourselves on His promises and keep the window of communication open with Him. Continually talk with Him and learn from Him. And the things that you go through will be tough, but you will grow and experience new heights forever afterwards. 

Keep up your faith, Brianna      

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