Don’t Worry; Be Happy

This may seem like a silly question, but how many of you worry about “tomorrow” (a.k.a. the future)? In life it seems that there is always something that I am worrying about – school, relationships, my future, and all the other what-not flying my way.

God gives us hard situations in life not to see how far He can push without making us ‘go over the edge”, but to strengthen and build our relationship with Him. I love Matthew 6:34 where it states, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Can you believe it?! God says right there in His word, “Don’t worry about the future!”

When I was about seven years old, my dad and I went out early on a Saturday to run some errands together. The day was great, we did everything on the “To-Do-As-Soon-As-I-Have-Time-To-Do-It list, and we were making our way back home. Well, about halfway home my dad received a phone call from a friend of his and we just happened to be making our way through a busy intersection. (I want to stop right here and add that my dad is a very good multi-tasker.) Being the brilliant seven year old that I was, my mind concluded that was dad was too busy talking on the phone to pay attention to his driving so I decided it would be a good idea if I took over the steering wheel for him – not for a long time, but just until I made sure we had gotten through the intersection safe. Well, after coming to this brilliant conclusion I reached over from the passenger side of the car and attempted to steer my dad and I safely through any hazardous material. Little did I know that leaning over the middle of the car to actually reach the steering wheel would leave me staring cross-eyed at the coffee stains all over the carpet of the car and inhaling dust like a Dirt Devil instead of allowing me to see clearly out of the front windshield at the traffic flying by all around us. So, as dad chatted into his phone and stepped on the gas, I grabbed the steering wheel and directed us who knows where. (I certainly didn’t know where I was going, I was only glad that I was in control and completely capable of taking us to safety.) Well, I won’t tell you exactly what happened to us, but I will add that I did NOT hit anybody or anything and we both came away physically unscathed. (I can’t say we came away emotionally or mentally unscathed…I’m pretty sure my dad was on the verge of a heart attack.)

Now, how many times in our life do we let God take the “steering wheel” of our life and then whenever we think He is too distracted to take care of us, we go ahead and take control of a situation ourselves? How many times do we “wreck” because we can’t see or understand what we are doing? Have you ever given God a heart attack with some of the choices you’ve made in life? Well, right now, I want to challenge you to let God take care of everything in your life. He is the only One who can steer us in the right direction. There may be times in your life where you feel like God is busy talking or helping someone else, but that’s not true. God has His full attention focused on you and the plans He has for you. (Jer. 29:11) Sometimes, you may feel like God isn’t providing you with everything that you need or that you could do a better job at driving down the path of life, but God doesn’t call us to go and see if we can make sense of our lives. No! He is right there always guiding always directing; we just have to seek Him first. Psalm 37:4 says, “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.”

God knows what you want. Give everything to Him and stop worrying about whatever you are worrying about…He is in control!! 

In Christ,










“Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday, and all is well.”    ~Unknown

One Response to “Don’t Worry; Be Happy”

  1. Anna Says:

    You are all so amazing i miss you so much the pictures are beautiful!!!! <3

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