The More you give, the more you get

Have you ever had those moments in your life when God tells you to give something to Him, but you’re afraid, so you say no? Then something happens that makes you feel like you wished you had said yes? Or maybe you did say yes, and you felt that freedom that can only come from God and how His peace just fills your life and you know you made the right choice?

Well through these past couple months, from about November ’till now, God has been asking me to give up certain things in my life so I can be more/better used by Him, and to draw me closer to Him. Some of those things have been my relationships, my movies, my music, and the books I read.

It’s amazing to see that through all the stuff I shove into my brain my brain somehow turns it into what I think and therefore it becomes an action. you know the old saying (at least I think it is, if not I either heard it somewhere or made it up :D) – “What goes in, is what comes out.” It’s crazy to see how that is so true.

So God has been asking me to give up some of these things for more of Him. And slowly, sometimes relunctantly I’ve said yes. And although it was hard to do then; it has sure paid off. God has poured so much blessing into my life it’s incredible! Two main things stand out to me. 1) This session I have been grading homework for about 21 interns (that alone is enough to scare me!) among other things, and God has just given me such a peace and such joy!, and a sense of trust in Him that no matter what i have to do He’s going to carry me through.

At first when all this peace was coming into my life I was thinking that God had given up trying to teach me anymore lessons about anything (cause usually when you’re learning a lesson you’re going through something hard) and when I told a friend this she said that maybe it wasn’t that God had stopped teaching me but that I had finally learned or gotten to the part of just abiding with Him, and in Him, and in His will. And that was the lesson for me this session, was to just abide in Him, and the joy that He’s giving me, and the love for the children that I teach. It’s been absolutely amazing to see the love the God has poured into my heart for these kids, and why? Because I’m in His will.

And not to say that I won’t have trials. I was talking to my Mom about this too and she said that in this sermon this guy had said, “You’re either about to be in a trial, going through a trial, or just finished a trial.” So maybe I’m about to have a trial and God wants me to remember the peace and joy that He can bring me, or maybe I just got through the trial of surrenderring all to Him. Who knows? I’m sure I’ll find out when God wants me to.

The second 2) thing is the opportunities that God has brought into my life are just absolutely amazing! God is so good to bless those who follow His way, obey when He asks us to give our desires to Him, and allow Him to take control of every area of our life. Even the small ones that seem unimportant, like the books we read, but those small things influence us and God wants it to be glorifying to Him, and Him alone. I wan’t wait to see what God is going to do in my life next!! Hope to keep you updated! =)

Abiding in Him,


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