
Wow. Looking back at last year, I can honestly say that it went NOTHING like I expected or planned. In some good ways and in some not so good ways. I learned lessons and forget them, laughed, cried, experienced victory and failure. God saw fit to allow me to explore new worlds and soar higher than ever. But I also got knocked around a bit by the hard winds of reality and heartache.

This past year I went on a field trip, taught thousands of kids, graduated from highschool, finally got my license, went to photography school, I drank over 250 Dr Peppers (in an assortment of sizes) :P, went with Camille to a summer camp, pulled 27 all-nighters, learned the Justin Beiber dance, watched The Patriot for the first time ever, learned to love Starbucks coffee, laughed and cried harder then EVER. I saw purple mountain majesties, brilliant golden sunrises, deep green forests, and eternal blue skies. I got to spend the most amazing two weeks with my Bestie, I got to know my second family. I climbed high and fell hard, made some new friends and… lost a few good ones, I learned priceless lessons and lost things that can never be bought back.

Here are a few of the lessons I learned…

  • There’s always a silver lining…you just have to be willing to look for it.
  • Trust is not “buy one, get one free”.
  • Every one is going to hurt you, you just have to decide who’s worth being hurt over.
  • Never assume.
  • Your family will always be your family.
  • Tan lines, mascara, and zits don’t define beauty.
  • Virtue is a virtue.
  • A big vocabulary doesn’t solve problems.
  • Love is patient.
  • Failure does not define you, but what you do about it afterwards does.
  • I can’t live without jeans, jewelry, Dr Pepper, hugs, best friends, laughter, or a girly movie every once in awhile.
  • Men are complicated, fragile, and a little over-rated. (no offense to anyone) 😛
  • If people talk behind your back, you’re way ahead of them.
  • Honesty is the best policy.
  • Lessons learned the hard way are not easily forgotten.
  • Its okay to cry (and always thank God when He sends you a shoulder to cry on)

Three words can describe my year perfectly… Stretching. Life-changing. Interesting.

2011…May it be the year that I grow in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man.


One Response to “2010…2011”

  1. jeriah.kiang Says:

    LOL. This made me laugh…a TON. =]

    Buy one get one free huh. 😛

    Never assume…hmmm…

    big vocabs…LOLZZZZ.

    Men, CAN BE complicated, fragile, and a little over-rated…just like girls. xD

    HA. honesty always rocks your world. literally. =P

    You’ll have a blessed year. 🙂

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