What is worship?

What does it mean to worship God? When you think of the word worship what comes to your mind? For me worship involves singing. Singing hymns at church, singing around the piano at home, singing with the radio…there’s a pattern to my worship. Singing. Music. But is that all that worship is? or can be? Or could it be more? At church this evening our youth group music leader was talking about how worship isn’t just singing. That is one big part of it and there is a feeling of unity when you do sing with people.

But it’s also in the everyday things. In the way we handle things when they fall apart, in the way we treat our family, our friends. in the way we treat that person at school whose always annoying you, the way we act when we’re all alone, the way we act towards our teachers, in school. That is a way to worship God. To show people that yes, we are Christians. That we love God. And not just at church where we stop living our lives for an hour or two, worship God, and then go back to living our lives. That’s like doing God a favor. Like saying, “Hey God, I’m going to stop my life for an hour and worship You and try to learn more about You.” But afterwards we go back to our lives where God is just a little corner in our busy lives. Coming out only on Sundays and Wecnesdays.

But that isn’t what worship is. Worship is living our lives for God. Doing everything for His glory, showing His love to the people He’s placed in our lives, knowing Him, and spending time with Him, talking to Him. That is true worship. It’s not a duty, it’s a pleasure.

What do YOU think worship is?

In His Hands,


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