From January ’till today…way too long

I know we haven’t written in a long time, and I’m sorry. But it’s been very busy, that’s my excuse anyways. But I’m only going to be able to tell you a few things that have been going on. I can’t remember all of them and it would be way too long of a post to do that. So here we go…

Since January I have done two more sessions with In The Gap (ITG) and am on the last week of the second one. (ITG is a character program that goes into the public school to teach children character. If you didn’t know) And that is very busy and time consuming of itself. =) This session I was what you would call an “unofficial staff member.” Which means I do almost everything a staff member does without having signed a contract. A.k.a. signed my life away. =D although my boss is trying very hard to get me to sign, that way I can’t leave.  =P  So for this Spring session that we’re in I taught a lot of the Level One training with my boss (Chad Christiansen) doing the rest. It was very fun, challenging, growing, and I learned a lot about being a teacher. It helped me grow closer to God and to be a better teacher, and learn how to answer lots of questions. =)

One crazy thing that has been happening since January, (seriously) is remodeling an apartment for us to move into. We’re going to be moving up to the tenth floor, and have a dining room, and living room, an actual sink, a stove and a dishwasher!! =) It’s like heaven on earth after not having one for so long. But the progress is slow, and since we’ve been working on it since January our enthusiasm has somewhat…um… disappeared. Which is part of the reason it’s taken so long (please pray that we finish fast). But hooray! we are getting closer and we are almost, and I think it’s for real this time, almost done. Which will be so amazing. God has truly blessed us with getting a bigger apartment. =)

One last thing that has happened since Januray was the Art’s Festival!! Which is kind of like a carnival with mostly artsy stuff and tons of yummy food =) I’m sure you can guess where I was. =D During that week we were out raising money by giving out water bottles by donation. We sold them through all kinds of crazy weather which kept us praying for hot and sunny days. And we got them, all except for two, which was really nice. But although we had those hot and sunny days I went against all common sense and didn’t wear sunscreen. I know, I know, it was NOT the smartest thing to do, but I wanted a good tan! and that was the only sure way to get one. I’m sure you can imagine what happened at the end of the week. I was as red as a…I don’t know, a something. I was very red, is the main point. And burnt to the crisp, at least my shoulders, neck, and forehead. Oh, especially my forehead; which felt like it was on fire it was so hot to touch. I felt like a walking oven. Now something you should know is, I have never been sunburned…NEVER. And I always told that to all the poor sunburned, peeling people that I never got sunburned. So this was a new expirience for me. Well, a friend of mine loaned me some aloe lotion and I lathered myself up hoping and praying that I wouldn’t start peeling. And for like three or four days I was good, I could breathe, I wasn’t peeling, had a nice tan, and everything. But as the Biblt says, pride always comes before the fall, and my forehead started peeling. (Don’t laugh -.-) Well, I wasn’t actually peeling, you see I had two splotches on my forehead of where I was going to peel and hadn’t yet. And that was way worse than actually peeling, cause it wouldn’t come off. Finally it did after a day or two and some hard scrubbing. =D It was terrible though, cause all these kids kept asking me, “What’s wrong with your face?” and that was so embarrassing. But I finally made it through and now that my face is fine my right shoulder decided to peel, so I’m in for another ride, hopefully the last.

Anyways, that’s kinda what’s been going on around here, sorry this was so late in coming, but thank you to all those who do read our blog, and may God use it to bless your day in some way. I’m going to try (emphasis on the try) to do better at blogging… we shall see how I do. =) May God bless you today!

Filled with His Joy, 


5 Responses to “From January ’till today…way too long”

  1. jeriah.kiang Says:

    ahahaha, i just got sunburned for the first time last week too… @.@

  2. camille Says:

    Lol!! What’d you get sunburned from…? Last I heard you were working on tests and school. An that’s most of the time done inside 😛 yeah, I’m STILL peeling -.-

  3. jeriah.kiang Says:

    Yea, I spent ONE day playing with the kids outside…with…my…shirt…off….

  4. camille Says:

    Wow, very smart. Yeah i’m wearing sunscreen 24/7 at camp now, and I still started peeling a little bit. -.- but it’s gone now

  5. jeriah.kiang Says:

    Ha, thanks. ehh, sunscreen=yuck. =P

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