Follow God, Wherever He May Lead…

I know some friends that are about to head out for Korea! With them going there it reminds me, that we need to follow God, even if it means going to Korea, or any other place far away.  In our eyes we see going out of state, is just crazy and there is no point in going if we  don’t even want to. Well in God’s eyes He see’s that going anywhere he leads you, even if it means going out of state, or in the state or city you live in,  He has a plan, and He has a purpose!  He knows what you are going to be doing in five years, He knows what you are going to be doing in the next couple of hours! Sometimes we say that we don’t want to go anywhere, we must want to stay home. Well I hate to break it to you, but if we are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, then we aren’t home until we get to heaven. We’re just on a little vacation right now, and God can call us home anytime…! He just says the word and we are gone, in heaven. So right now while we are on our vacation we need to be going anywhere God calls us to go, even if it’s still in the same state you live in! We can be messengers for God, and telling everybody about what He has said in His TRUE Word!

So next time God calls you somewhere, or anywhere, be the best messenger you can be. Just think of it this way… We are very important and special messengers for the one who created everything, the one who is in charge of EVERYTHING, the one who is the Most High King, and Lord of  Lords! Maybe God calls you to do work in the state, or city which you live in, He’s just testing you to see if you can be responsible for the little things as well as the big things! If you fail the test, on the little things, then God knows that you can’t be responsible for the big things, He has in store for you! With everything you do, big or small, gigantic or tiny, give it your all!

Love in Christ,


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