The Unexpected Lessons in Life

This past week a friend of mine, Hope, came to visit me and my family for a week. We had so much fun and God taught both of us many, many lessons; ones that we did not really expect.


We were (and are still in the process of) learning how to have a “Heart of Wisdom”. This week we figured out what it meant to make sure that things are constantly “going in a good direction” and to find good in everything God lays in our path. So many times, God puts things in each of our paths that we don’t expect or neccessarily desire, but we have a choice about what we do and how we react in each of those circumstances and situations.

Hope and Josie ;)

Sometimes, I get tired of learning life’s lessons and waiting on God. I just wish that everything would go perfectly, but then I start to think about where I would be if I didn’t need God to teach and chastise me. Knowing me, I would get a big head and maybe even start to believe that I know more about me and my life than God does.

Don't Worry, Be Happy!!

This past week, I did a lot of “waiting’. I waited on people and circumstances, I waited for God to write something amazing on my bedroom wall… I waited for answers, direction, fulfillment. I waited for friends and desires. I waited on life to happen I guess you could say. I asked God “What for?” and “Why not?” so many times and the only answer I got was, ”Have faith and wait.” As Beth Moore puts it, “If you look at the letters of F-A-I-T-H and W-A-I-T, you will see that three-fourths of WAITing is FAITH.” [my paraphrase]

Shadows of Friends


When I think about faith and waiting I always think of one certain animal. I love to think about how it has to go through hardships to become the beautiful creature God designed it to be. God watches over it, shapes it, molds it, and sees its every move. It probably doesn’t understand why certain things happen and why it has to wait, but it has to have faith that God will see it through. When I see this animal I am reminded that God sees me and takes notice of my every action.

Little Friends

In Faith,


To me, faith in God is… being willing to wait and learn;


 to stop and listen. It is believing that every mountaintop

experience and valley hardship has a purpose.

It is entrusting myself to One I cannot see. It is stepping

out in faith when God gives direction; trusting

 in what is still a little unclear.

2 Responses to “The Unexpected Lessons in Life”

  1. jocelyn Says:

    lokking at those pictures made miss those funtimes us four had all over agian!!!
    but i’m glad that you posted them. 🙂


  2. Josiah Magnuson Says:

    Y’all have such great articles 🙂

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