Who Is The Real You?

My family got me a Bible for my birthday a few months ago. In some of the chapters it has stories about your focus in God and stuff like that and I was reading in Genesis 27. This is the story that came with it:

Wanna know a secret? I hate beer. But I can’t tell anybody i don’t like it. I can just hear their reactions now. “Whaaat?” You don’t like to drink? Come on! You’d never guess it if you saw me at a party. I’m the one they count on to make them laugh when I start drinking. They tell me I’m hilarious. Every time I stumble home, trying not to throw-up (or worse, wake up my parents), I wonder why I do this to myself. Every time I wake up with a splitting headache, I wonder who I was last night. And while we are on the subject of secrets here’s another one. I really don’t like going to church. I mean i act happy when I’m there, but the only reason i go is my friends. I don’t really feel close to God at all. Who am I anyway? When I’m with my party friends, I pretend i like to party. When I’m with my academic friends, I play the part of a serious student. When I’m with my Church friends I act like a good Christian girl. But which one is really me? In my effort to fit everywhere, I’ve completely lost myself. I never speak my own mind. I just say what i think my friends want to hear. But I’m not really who my friends want me to be. I’m not even then person I want to be. I know the real me is in there somewhere. I just don’t know how to set her free. Nobody has ever met her. What if nobody likes her?

Have you ever felt like you can’t be yourself around your friends? Have you pretended to be like somebody who you know everybody likes? Have you tried to act or look a certain way to make your friends like you? Have you been acting like somebody else for so long that you’re afraid that if you act like yourself, your friends won’t like you anymore? Well true friends want you to be the real you, besides it doesn’t matter what other people think of the real you, but what God thinks of you. God loves you for who you are, not as somebody else. Psalm 139: 14 “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well”

In Christ,



5 Responses to “Who Is The Real You?”

  1. Esther Staddon Says:

    That is really a good thing to think through, Jocelyn. I’m so glad you posted that. It has a lot to do with growing up and deciding which “real you” is going to lead your life. The sin nature or the new nature? May our walk with the Lord deepen each day and strenghten the new nature so that we can live to please the Lord no matter who else is around.

  2. jeriah.kiang Says:

    lol…those who care don’t matter, and those who matter don’t care. 🙂

  3. camille Says:

    Amen sister! That’s totally true. I try to act like the person I know my friends like to hang around. But that just made me get confused about who I really was. I finally decided to look to God to find the real me and I’m still finding her today! Great job! Keep up the good writing job. 🙂

  4. jocelyn Says:

    Hey thank you guys for your encouraging comments.
    Miss you Esther and Jeriah (little nephew), and I’m glad your here Kala

  5. jeriah.kiang Says:

    Haha, your welcome. Miss you guys too. 🙂

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