Turn Temptations Into Weapons Against The Enemy

Do temptations seem to over-power you?  Does it seem that no matter how hard you try to be strong, that you lose the fight over your temptations? We all feel defeated when we give in to our temptaions, it doesn’t matter what it is.  There is Hope!

Turn your temptations into weapons against the enemy and his army.
This one thing has been true to work without fail with everyone who does it.  This has worked for me personally and for those I and others have recommended it to.  Right now, ask God for the strength to commit to do this every time you are tempted.  That means right now.

Here it is…. Pray for the salvation of of another person and for that person to be a mighty warrior for God’s Kingdom.  This is someone whom you don’t think is saved. 

The enemy will figure out real fast that it’s betterYou can have victory with God to leave you alone and go trip-up someone else.

How to Put This Into Action

  1. For each temptation that seems to defeat you, think of someone that if they were a believer could be a great influence for the Kingdom of God  (note: this could be a friend, family member, relative,  or a business, governemt or world leader)
  2. Decide to pray for this person to be saved and for them to be a mighty warrior for the Kingdom of God.  The Bible says in James 5:16 that the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective” and in 1 Peter 3:12 that “for the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer
  3. Pray for this person every time you are specifically tempted in this area and you will soon find that your temptations will decrease and most likely go away completely

Do It Now.

We would welcome comments either direct or annonymously of how this has worked for you.   


One Response to “Turn Temptations Into Weapons Against The Enemy”

  1. Yahoo News Says:

    Yahoo News…

    This is really great news today….

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