Character First Valentine

February, Thirteenth the plan uncovered.

All the guys in Character first including me got together a couple days before this marked date to make a wonderful valentines day for all of their sisters.

First the guys and gals went out at different times to do different stuff the guys thought we had nothing to worry about when we went to wal-mart to get flowers or whatever we wanted for our sisters. Well when we pulled up the girls were also there, and they were going to get their brothers something since we weren’t going to be there.  When we showed up, that all changed.

When we got back at the training center we had about one hour before we had to be ready.  Each of the guys had their own way they had told there sisters when to be ready.  I asked my dad to tell my sisters for me, since it was getting late and I had to make sure that they had plenty of time to get ready.  He told them that they needed to get ready to go out, but he didn’t tell them who would be taking them.  They assumed that our dad was taking them out. (but were they right?)

While the girls got ready in their room, I got ready at my friend’s place, so they would not suspect anything.  Four-thirty was when I was supposed to get them.

It was cool because each of the guys were meeting there sisters in a different place and acting like they didn’t know that they were going to do something.  One of the guys even pretended that he had no idea what was going on.

Five minutes to go, and our cheufer, mister Ben, was not ready yet.  Needless to say, we all had some stalling to do.  As I was about to knock on our door, our mom opened it.  This was good, because if I had knocked then that would of ruined the surprise.  Since they already saw me I just walked right in.  Jocelyn wasn’t there yet so I just stood there.  Since Brianna, Camille, and Jocelyn thought that Dad was taking them out, they were wondering what I was doing all dressed.  Brianna asked if I was going too.  I obviously ansered yes.  Then Jocelyn came up so dad said, “all right if you will step out in the hall please and go with your brother he is going to take you girls out”.  All together in silence (I think they didn’t know what to think) we rode down the elevator with Ben and stopped on second flour.

Ben said, if you will go ahead and step out and to your right and wait right here.  So we waited and then he came out with Samuel and Sarah Waller.  We all walked together down the stairs past the front desk where some of the other interns were going to see us out. One of them said, “Ooooh look, Addison couldn’t have just one; He had to go with three.  I smiled and gave him a hi five as we walked to the back door where we met Titus and Kaytra Copper.  We were now all together as we entered our fifteen passenger limo.

We all got dropped off at different places.  I picked Ted’s; a Mexican restaurant.  As we walked through the doors, one of the lady’s sitting on a bench said, “Oooo, look at that.  He’s got three.”  We all thought that was pretty funny.  Another man that was sitting next to me as we were waiting said, “So is this a birthday party or something?”  I said, ” no, it’s for Valentines day.”  “OK, your just taking all three of them out right?”.  I said, “Yes, and these are actually my sisters.”  He said, “Well, that makes more sense because I could see the resemblance in you two.”  He was pointing to Brianna and me.  “But I didn’t want to embarrass you or anything by saying you look like your girl friend.” We shared this with everybody else and everybody got a kick out of everybody’s night.

We finished the night by taking pictures back at the training center. I really had a great time out there and I think everybody else did too.  I look forward to next year.

Talk to you readers later.


3 Responses to “Character First Valentine”

  1. erauch89 Says:

    You go Yaddy, You’re going to make a good writer… well… I guess you already are. You kept me laughing and smiling!

  2. addison Says:

    hey thanks but Brianna is the true writer in our family as far as I can see.

  3. Josiah Magnuson Says:

    Good job, Addison! Actually I think you all are amazing writers. This story was funny – keep serving your family for the Lord! 🙂 Please keep posting too.

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