Hold Nothing Back

Hold Nothing Back


I hold onto what’s not mine

My relationships, my friends, my life,

My hopes, my dreams & my kids

            And I give too much

Of what’s not mine to give

My thoughts, my emotions,

My feelings & my heart

            It hurts me in the end

When my heart is broken,

When my feelings are hurt,

When tears of pain run down my cheeks

When no one else is there, but You

            You’ve always been there for me

Waiting for me to run to You

So You can dry my tears, & comfort my heart

            You’ve been waiting for me

To give You everything

To hold nothing back

So You can bless me

With everything I need

            You call my name, begging me to turn away

Every time I take the easy road

That always ends in pain, tears, & heartache

            You don’t give up on me

You just wait patiently for me

To make the choice to come back to You

To lay it all in Your hands

To give it to You and not take it back

            I now give everything to You, Lord

Nothing is mine, it’s all Yours

My life, my body, my mind, my hopes, my dreams

My feelings, my kids, my soul, & my Heart

I give them all to You now

Take them; Put them under lock & key

I’m holding nothing back from You now

You’re the Only One who can see what could be

The choices, the consequences, the pain, the regret

But I know, that that’s not the road I want to take

I know that the longer I hold onto what isn’t mine

The harder it will be, to give back to You

            So I give it all to You now

Take them, Keep them, they are Yours now

Do what You know is best, not what I think is best

I hold nothing back from You, God

Everything is Yours, Lord

Yours to crush, to build, to make new, to fulfill

I’ve given everything to You

            So now I’m free, free to live for You

I can live this life; You’ve got planned for me

Without a care, because; I held nothing back



Hold nothing back from God. He’s waiting to bless you beyond what you can imagine.

He wants you to live for Him.

How can you when you’re worried about what may not happen unless you take control?

Nothing should matter as long as you’re serving Him.

And one day all the rest of these things will fall into place. Don’t go chasing after relationships, don’t give away pieces of your heart… it isn’t worth it, & it hurts way too much.

Save yourself & your heart for the one God has for you. He will bring that special person into your life when it is time. Not to soon, and not too late. He knows when the right time is.

You need to prepare for that time with all your heart, soul, mind, & strength. 

It’s a very hard & challenging road to face. But when the days are more than you can bear, tears escape, & you are ready to give up because it is ‘just too hard.’

Look to God, He’s there every step of the way. Waiting to cheer you on, dry your tears & help you to get back up & finish the race. Keep fighting, don’t give up, because in the end it will all be worth it.



Your sister in battle,



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