Amazing, Amazing, Amazing!

I just finished teaching at a four week camp and it was insanely wonderful! While working with awesome team members and amazing kids…I’ll never forget any of them…I have figured out that nothing in the world is better than serving God with incredible, like-minded, beautiful people by your side.

Oh, the stories I could tell of how God’s hand was evident in every single circumstance that occurred. I really cannot believe all that God did for us and through us in only four weeks! God’s unity and peace were definitely with us the whole time. I would not trade any of the experiences I had for anything…well, I might trade the goodbyes for something. (That was a very hard and traumatic day-I hate goodbyes.) ;(

I want to thank all of you for praying for us during this time. You have no idea how much your prayers meant to us and they definitly kept Satan from interfering with our work. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

To all of the CC interns I just want to say thanks for all you did for me. You guys kept me strong, kept me smiling, and kept me focused on God and for that I am eternally grateful. I miss you guys terribly and hope God allows all of us to meet up again someday. I love you and I’m praying for you!

Good Times (ILYK)…



Ummmmm… (hehe)


Worst Enemies… ]:)



Best of Friends (you know it!)…


“Missing someone isn’t about how long it’s been since you’ve seen them last,

or the amount of time since you’ve last talked.

It’s about that very moment when you’re doing something

and you wish that they were right there beside you.”                   ~Anonymous

Much love and God bless,


3 Responses to “Amazing, Amazing, Amazing!”

  1. erauch89 Says:

    Hey girly, Thanks for posting the pictures…. They were amazing but that’s because they were of the most amazing people ever, and when I say ever I mean EVER!
    I really enjoyed the ones of the icing that you sent to my phone!! the ones on here are even better though! Can’t help but love y’all randomness! Hangin on for 3 weeks!

  2. Crystalball Says:

    I miss you girl! You’re my perfect size for a hug!! =D
    Ohhh!! Those pictures are SO Saaaweet!! Man alive! …=)
    Awww…that quote is seriously the real thing.
    I’m so glad I could meet you and get to know the Real you! The totally awesome, committed, fun, strong girl that you are!
    Thanks for being my friend! And loving me thru and thru! The same way I LOVE U !
    God’s got His brush, it’s a pretty painting, the splatter across the front He’s now turned into fireworks and lightning!! =0)
    Love your sister,

  3. brianna Says:

    Crystalball!! you are so amazing and you are such a special encouragement to me. i want to thank YOU for being my friend. you have NO IDEA how much it meant to me when you actually took the time to get to know ME personally and not hold on to your “first impression” of me *couch, cough* 🙂 i thank God everytime I think of you and i am so glad that God allowed you to make it to camp. thanks for everything you did for me.
    A-ghost to you too!!

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