The Heavenly Man

The Heavenly Man
Discovering the true story of Chinese Christian Brother Yun, his actual name being Liu Zhenying, has been like a good look in the mirror.  His story has forced me to look at myself and assess my faith in God and willingness to follow Christ, no matter what the task.

I hesitated to start reading his biography because I knew just enough of what it was about….suffering and sacrifice.

All of my life I have been very uncomfortable around funerals, hospitals, poverty, prisons and most anything that represents the worst aspects of life and anything resulting in discomfort.  I cannot imagine that I am the only one that has sought to avoid these types of environments.  I’m sure many of you that read this might feel the same.  Why?  For me, it is the presence of pain and suffering and the thought that I may experience one or more of these and will absolutely have to attend my own funeral one day.  It all means pain.

We are all called as Christians to experience suffering, though not in all the same forms.  Without being tested, our faith cannot grow.  To suffer is an opportunity.  in fact, the opportunity to suffer for Christ is to be given the opportunity for God to do a work through us.  Now that is what we all hope for and live for….only, could we do it without the suffering?  “For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for him” – Philippians 1:29.

As I started reading this book, I could not put it down.  In just a few moments, I had already read five chapters.  Now, after twelve chapters, God is clearing speaking to me through this book as I am sure he will do for you.

I know that anyone that has received Christ as savior will be persecuted and experience suffering.  He clearly states this in his word.  Personally, I want to avoid this like the other pains of life.  So, what if we have not experienced persecution or suffering?  What does that mean?  Are we not living a life for Christ.  Is our time coming?  Perhaps.  What will we have to endure?  Only God knows.  I know that whatever the plan is, God will also provide the faith and strength to endure it.

As believers, we are all called for a purpose.  Every man or woman grows in our faith in God by encountering hardship and suffering.  It is at the point of our helplessness and inability to solve our situation that we find ourselves turning to God.  Only at this point do we trust God to provide for our need and solve our problem. 

Brother Yun has a magnificent reward waiting for him in heaven.  We will not all be called to a life of such pain and suffering, but if we are, there will be an great reward for us as well.  The question is are we choosing every day to be available for God to do His work through us?  For it is not what “we do”, but what “God does through us” that will be counted unto us in heaven.

We must be willing to submit ourselves to the will of God and for whatever His plan is.  Deny our selfish ambitions.  Put away our desire for glory, success, fame and riches.  Be willing to lose the comforts of life.  Only at this point, are we ready to grow in faith and experience the fullness of God.  It is a process of becoming….

The Broken Cup




Run to win,


One Response to “The Heavenly Man”

  1. Derek Says:

    This reminds me of a verse in the bible. It says, “For me to live is Christ and to die is gain” I believe Jesus was the most persecuted man in the world. While funerals may have weeping, we must also rejoice! They are in Heaven! (If the’re saved) “Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice…” Praying for you guys.

    Derek J Knudson

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