A Challenge

Hello Friends and Family!

Right now my family and I are in New Mexico visiting my Dad’s side of the family for Christmas. We are so excited that God worked things out so that we could come up here for the holidays. There’s no snow up here yet, but we all (ok well probably just all of the kids) are praying that we will have a white Christmas.

Very quickly I want to share with you a challenge that God has laid on my heart. For the past couple of weeks, I have been thinking about Christians and the different ways that we should be acting or things that we should/shouldn’t be doing as Christians. Through a series of events, I realized that there are tons of people who say they are Christians, but then act just like every other person in the world.

In the Bible God tells us that we should be set apart for Him, consecrated, holy, pure, encouraging, of one accord, thankful in everything and for everything. He also tells us to fear not, keep His commandments, go and make disciples of all nations, be a witness to the lost, glorify Him in all that we do, be courageous, stand up for what is right, seek His face, be strong and valiant, be wise and gentle, take care of widows and orphans, do not mock others, be perfect, be ready, and then to not love the world, but be a light to it. He tells us to be different.

Be honest, how many of you keep all of God’s commandments everyday? Are you always encouraging to everyone? Do you always stand up for what is right? Do you always lay aside your pride to go and do whatever God asks you to do?”

To the parents…I know it may be hard, but are you willing to go against the flow to do the right thing for your children? Can you be the role model and ask God for help when you feel that you don’t have the strength to tell your middle schooler or high schooler “no” to something, again and again and again? I speak from experience when I tell you the more your kid fights you on the latest rule or restriction, the better it is for them if you just go ahead and follow through with whatever you say.

To my fellow teenagers…Can you set aside time in your schedule to do something that lasts for eternity? Could you maybe be more encouraging to your friends and family or show more respect to your parents, siblings, and authorities? Can you stand up for what is right and stay pure in every way? I know this is hard, but just think about it.

To the younger kids…Are you able to be thankful in every circumstance–even if you feel you are being left out of something or are being bossed around? Can you remember to obey, love, and respect your parents?

Just by how you act, react, speak, think, dress, and other things, would people alwaysbe able to tell that there is something different about you? I challenge you to think about these things and to then go and make a difference in this world, to go and be such a bright light that there would be no way people could miss seeing Christ shining through you.

In Him,


One Response to “A Challenge”

  1. Derek Says:

    Thanks for being an encourager! Your articles really cheer me up. Whenever I’m discouraged I check your blog… It usually always gives me comfort. I’m praying for your family. Your doing a great job!

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