Finally…An Update!

Hello to all of my faithful readers!    

I am sorry that I have not written in so long, but these last weeks have been our busiest ever! So much has happened that there’s no way that I can write down everything for you. I wish I could, but there is just no way. (You’ll just have to wait until I get back…grin). Anyway, our character session is over. We had a close down party last Thursday, a birthday party for Amy last Friday, and right now I am in Indiana visiting my mom’s side of the family for Thanksgiving.

These past few months have been totally amazing! I have met many, many incredible people and kids in the schools and at our different bible clubs. I have so manystories to tell you all sometime…stories about Brandon, Rawaa, Tyshawn, Eric, Dale, Tish, our team, birthdays, community service projects, grub worms, fun outings, people at the training center, and times when our strength was gone and God renewed us. Every trial, joy, and event that has God brought me through has changed and grown me in so many different ways that I can’t even begin to describe how close to God I have drawn. All I can say is that He is just simply amazing.

At first going to live in OKC was hard and frustrating and I had no idea why God wanted me and my family to be up here during this time, but now that I have gone through the character training and have met so many kids and hopefully made even a small difference in their lives I can now truthfully say that I have learned that the best place to be is in the middle of His will. If you are in God’s will then He can bless you in so many ways…like in the grinning faces of kids who are happy to see someone who actually cares for them, or in their joyous laughter after you just held them and talked to them during one of their let downs or heartaches, in their sad eyes that light up as you sit down to eat lunch with them, in their hugs and high fives as you walk down the hall, or in their voices as they tell you that they want to “grow up to be just like you”…it is so rewarding. I can’t imagine what I would have missed out on if we had decided to stay in Texas and skip out on these once-in-a-life-time opportunities. (Now that does not mean that I wanted to ditch all of you back home…grin…I want you all to come up here and live with me.)

Even though teaching for two and a half months was very rewarding all of the interns, including me, are now sick or have just gotten over some sort of sickness. We are pretty sure that we have become sick because of the spiritual warfare that was raging the whole time we were teaching. (we didn’t realize it, but we were definitely on the front battle lines and being in the firing range 24/7 is very draining) Anyway, please pray for all of us because being sick is not fun. Pray for me because I have a racking cough, hardly any voice, and very little energy to do anything. In fact, I slept the whole twelve hours that it took for us to get to Indiana this past Saturday and mom has graciously let me sleep in everyday until 1:00 p.m. I am getting better, but I still need prayers.

I’ll talk to you all later! Love you guys,


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