My Child

          Standing beside a bubbly stream, in a valley between two lush green hills, wearing my flowing, pure white dress I witnessed the most wonderful thing in the world.  While the tall grass was waving in a flowing breeze that still carried the refreshing smell of rain, I spun around and around making the dandelion fluff swirl and twirl around me.  As I became dizzy, I looked for and then found a smooth, dry rock.  I sat down, spread my skirt around me, and thought, “God, you are so amazing. You have made everything here so beautiful!”  A deep, loving, and gentle voice coming from right behind my shoulder answered, “Why thank you. I knew you would like it.”  I slowly stood up and turned my head towards the Voice and then I saw Him; He leaned down and kissed me on the forehead, “It is all for you, My child.”  Shielding my eyes from the sun’s bright rays shining down and warming the world around me, I looked up to see His face and realized—He was gone.  I frantically looked around, trying to see where He had disappeared to, when I heard something like a whisper on the wind say to me, “I have not left. I am all around you and I will always be with you.”  Comforted by those last words, I moved down from my rock and once again twirled in the tall, waving grass, rejoicing in the true love I had discovered on that incredibly special day.

While up here in OKC I have met with God in new, amazing, and beautiful ways. How and where do You meet with Him?


3 Responses to “My Child”

  1. cblanks Says:

    you must be really buisy because you have not posted in a while.
    please more articles. i have started to wright articles in my blog if you would like to visit it go to,
    if you can leave a comment.
    talk 2 u later.

  2. nessalove11 Says:

    Your simply amazing chica. I woke up thinking about you this morning, probably because you were in my dream. I miss you girl; know that I’m thinking about you and praying that your work will be blessed. I joined this but i dont know how to do any of it. haha. So you may have to help me haha. Talk to you soon.

    Love, Vanessa

  3. Derek Says:

    That is great! It’s pure poetry…

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