From Pure Water to Hair Balls

While visiting with new acquaintances we often get to share our story of how God has been working in our lives.  The questions of “what type of work do you do?” and “what are you doing here at the training center?” obviously come up early in the conversation.  We can’t help but laugh as I begin to cast my thirty-second version of our daily schedule.  God has placed us in an environment where every day is a new adventure.  In the morning I may be talking with investors or business owners coordinating a large funding transaction to a company providing pure water or building homes in Africa, and in the afternoon I may be cleaning hair balls out of drains for the training center.   We are available to help in any way that is needed.  We are thrilled to submit ourselves to be available to channel God’s resources (our time and energy) for His purpose no matter how great or small. 

My encouragement to you is to be available to God.  Observe where God is working in your life, in your school or work place, and join him there – no matter how big or small the work might be.  If God is working, it can’t help to be important and just simply amazing, indeed.


3 Responses to “From Pure Water to Hair Balls”

  1. cblanks Says:

    Mr. robert
    just checking in to see how it is going and if there is anything that I can pay for I am always availible. thank your for sharing your post it was very powerful.You can really see that God is working in ya’lls lives.
    if you want to email me just go to,

    I have to tell you this, this morning our neighbor came over and had a flat tire so I was asked to exchange the tire. my first time!!! It was pretty cool being able to do that, if I did not help them she would have not been able to go to work.

    anyway keep publishing and have a great day.
    Caimin Blanks

  2. karenslater Says:

    I am amazed! God is using your family in powerful ways so serve Him and others. Your willingness to share what He is teaching you is much like the old woman and her 2 mites. It may seem little to you and people of the world, but it is far reaching in God’s economy. Thank you for blessing us with your life.

  3. Robert Says:

    Thanks for the encouragement.

    Our lives have changed so dramically over the last few years. Everything we have known is gone, for the most part. What remains are all the relationships with families like yours and other friends back in Dallas.

    What is exciting is that is the only thing that is important….people. God is showing us how to cherish every moment, nurture every relationship, seek Him in every aspect and live today, because tomorrow holds no promises. He has also brought so many new people into our lives. We are so grateful.


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