OKC Update

Hey Everybody!

Wow! So much has been going on that I haven’t been able to blog much, but now I have a little free time to catch you all up on what’s been going on. First, last Saturday we, (my family, the other interns, and I) all went to the zoo, it was totally amazing! All of us interns got to teach kids about how different animals can teach us about different character qualities. I taught about the Giraffe and how it shows us “Availability”. We were there all day and told our little “spills” quite a few times. I took a picture of my model…here she is. (You can click on the pictures to make them bigger and not look so awkward)


After our “Zoorific Day of Character” at the zoo, we were able to go out to dinner. We thank God all the time that He has brought together such an awesome team and it’s really cool because we are all from different states. God has blessed us with a great comradery and we all get along so well together.

 (from left to right there is Sarah, Samuel, Thomas, Sharon, me, Alicia, and one of our team leaders, Esther)

One of the things that we learned about in our training session today was that we need to give 101%. What is 100%? So how can you really give 101%? Well, if you match a number to every letter of the alphabet then this is what you’ll get…

A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, E=5, F=6, G=7, H=8, I=9, J=10, K=11, L=12, M=13, N=14, O=15, P=16, Q=17, R=18, S=19, T=20, U=21, V=22, W=23, X=24, Y=25, Z=26.

Now, look at these words…Knowledge=96%, Hard Work=98%, and Love of God=101%. Isn’t that amazing! I thought that that was totally cool! We have has many lessons like that, but I remembered this the most.

During one of our bible studies we came across a great verse that you all have probably heard it is, “Train up a child in the way he should go and he will not depart from it.”. Even though we can’t talk about God in the public schools we can still plant seeds and “train up” these children “in the way they should go” and “they will not depart from it”. We start going to the schools on Monday so pray that we will be ready with our lessons and that God will use us in great and mighty ways. Pray that He gives us wisdom and patience and understanding us we work with all these kids.

More updates later!

Walking in His light, Brianna

2 Responses to “OKC Update”

  1. cblanks Says:

    sounds like fun! i forgot how to make a blog so just go to the one i have now at

    caiminsfutureplans@blogspot.com if this one doesn’t work then it must be this one

    When you go there just know this i am not finished updating it and i have more wrighting and pictures to put on it.

    thanks for sharing your days things that ya’ll do
    and please wright more.
    hope you have a great day Brianna.
    Caimin Blanks
    p.s. It is very obvious that God is working your life.

  2. cblanks Says:

    actually the web site is caiminsfutureplans.blogspot.com sorry lol
    anyway try to visit my blog and maybe leave a comment so i
    know you or ya’ll were there.
    P.S. please more publishes. keeping you in my thoughts.

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