Be Still

Loads of laundry, dishes to be done, not enough time; house to be cleaned, mail to go through, not enough rest; to-do lists, kids to activities, not enough leisure; relationships to build, etc., etc.  Where does all of our time go?  We are in such an instant world of microwaves and text messages and “you got to have it now!”.   Where does God fit in?

Be still, and know that I am God. (Psalms 46:10) This verse has been coming to me alot lately.  I wonder what the Lord is trying to teach me…..

First, what does it mean to “be still”?  The Hebrew dictionary tells me to hang limp, sink down, be feeble, to leave alone, abandon, withdraw… I am reading “Prayer: Does it Make any Difference?” by Philip Yancey.  In there, he says that the Latin imperative for “be still” is vacate.  We need to take a vacation on the control of our lives and rest in our Heavenly Father’s arms.  When we are still, things begin to come into focus.  We so often in our lives tell our God what we want and what to do with our lives.  When we are still we will let God be God and we will just be a sinful sinner as good as filthy rags.  We are to withdraw or abandon our feelings that we are in control and let God be in control.

Yancey says that “stillness prepares me for the second command: “know that I am God…”.” He is the One who has created the Heavens and earth. To let God be God, means we must sink down and get off our high horses and ask ourselves “Who is God?” and “Who am I?”

Are we taking time out of our busy schedules daily to quiet our hearts, to be still, before the Lord and to know that He is God trusting Him to lead, guide and direct our paths to honor and glorify Him in everything we do?


Being Still before the Lord,


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