Who is Jesus to me?

April 26th, 2015

Savior…. Lord…. Friend….. Comforter. Many people around the world have used these words at some point to describe who Jesus is to them. Some may say them out of habit, or as something a “Christian” should say about Jesus, or even because it sounds more spiritual than admitting He is sometimes pushed to the back row. However when it comes down to the heart; how many of us actually believe the things we say He is to us?

I have recently been learning and applying how to live as though I believe these things are true. As a young Christian I always believed that  Jesus was my friend. He was there to lift me up when I was down, listen to my happy thoughts throughout the day, be there to hear about and comfort me through pain and sadness, and I knew He was cheering for me when I took a step out of my comfort zone.

I still very much believe that that is true, but right now He is teaching me on a much larger scale how to live so that my head and even heart knowledge of who Jesus is to me becomes  life knowledge. I am seeking to live out and apply what I know to be true in the situations and trials of everyday life. When the storms of life are raging, the emotional roller coaster seems to be neverending, problems and situations seem to be out of control, and life seems to have been turned upside down, how do I handle it? What do I do to press on through the circumstances? How to ‘Be still and know that He is God’ in the middle of the storm?

I’m learning that it’s in the small things: in constantly praying (not just thinking about prayer but the actual action :D) and giving it back to Him, it’s in singing praises to Him, and reading His word for insight and verses to cling to.  It’s in the admitting I’m not strong enough, that I’m vulnerable, struggling and need Him more than I can describe. It’s in the peace that He gives when I ask Him to teach me and show me how to trust and place my faith in Him. It’s in the encouragement and testimony of friends who have been down the same road before. And it’s also in sharing the lessons I’m learning while I am still in the process of learning them; as it’s been said, you often learn something best when you have the opportunity to teach it.

Through this amazing, crazy, exciting, and complex adventure we call life He has always been and continuously will be what I need  – even if I don’t go to Him first. The verse that comes to mind is, Exodus 3:14 “And God said unto Moses, I AM that I AM: and He said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.” He is that which I need Him to be. He is self-sustaining, omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. Meaning He is unlimited in His understanding and knowledge , is present in all places at all times, and has complete and unlimited power. He is my strong fortress, the safe place I can run to when life doesn’t make sense. And I’m so very glad that He is.

A Good Mentor

April 24th, 2015
I am looking for a mentor, Who is beautiful inside
Someone who’s honest with children,Giving them a sense of pride.
I am looking for a mentor,with a healthy self-esteem,
who clearly states the rules, and doesn’t have to scream
I am looking for a mentor,who creatively prepares
but whose first priority, is to convey that they care
I am looking for a mentor, who is interested, not aloof
who treats me with respect, even when I goof
I am looking for a mentor, who knows how to laugh and smile
who enjoys what they’re doing, and goes the extra mile
I am looking for a mentor, who believes that I can learn
who praises all my efforts, and gives their best in return
I am looking for a mentor, who communicates quite well
gentle and careful of the words they choose, even when there are problems that I would like to tell
I am looking for a mentor, who will fill me with desire
to love to learn more every day, with curiosity that won’t tire
I am looking for a mentor, who encourages me to dream
to work at solving problems, and building self-esteem
There are some mentors out there, the kind I’m looking for
a mentor who will help me, open up the door.

Overcoming What May Seem Impossible

August 20th, 2013


November 4th, 2012

We’ve all heard “seek God with all your heart” “seek first God’s kingdom and all these things will be added unto you,” etc… but what does seeking really mean? What does that look like? We did a Bible study on this tonight and these were some of the things we found.

Going with the verse “seek peace and pursue it” we looked up what seek means and what pursue means. Seeking means to attempt to find something, or to desire to obtain or achieve something. Pursue means to continue, to carry further, advance, persist, and follow. It’s kind of like a courtship; when a guy is seeking for someone to marry he looks at all the girls around, then when he finds the one he desires he pursues her. We need to be seeking all we can about God and once we find a little bit of Him we can’t just give up and forget about it. We have to pursue Him, we have to follow up on the relationship, it doesn’t just end, it continues.

Some of the things we have to do is to seek God with “all our heart.” Deuteronomy 4:29, Jeremiah 29:13, Psalm 119:2. We also need to diligently seek Him; Psalm 105:4, Psalm 24:6, Zephaniah 2:3, 1 Chronicles 16:11, Proverbs 18:17, Proverbs 2:4. We also looked up some of the benefits of seeking after God, His face and His righteousness. Psalm 119:2, Psalm 119:45, Proverbs 28:5,  and Psalm 9:10.

It was so amazing to look up all the places it talked about seeking God, His face, righteousness, humility, peace and what not to seek for, all the benefits that come with seeking God, and how we need to get up early to seek Him (and we didn’t even get to them all!). I was greatly encouraged by this Bible study and I hope you will take the time to look up these verses to start your own search. This was just a little bit about what we talked about and I just wanted to share it with each of you.

God is looking for those who seek Him! Psalm 14:2 – “The Lord has looked down from heaven upon the sons of men, to see if there are any who understand, who seek after God.” Go after God, and you will find Him! Don’t wait until you’re dead and in heaven, start now! You will surely be blessed by it and your life will show the fruits of your labor.

May God bless you as you continue to seek Him!



October 26th, 2012

This past Friday, Saturday, and Sunday I was blessed to be in Colorado Springs! I was there for a political rally, and to help pass out flyers and/or make phone calls to people. We were a non-partisan group, meaning we weren’t taking sides, and we were just passing out literature to help inform people of the facts about upcoming elections and past choices. It was a lot of fun, and on the 12 hour drive up there they had each of us on the bus, (it was a charter bus) come up with what we thought Prosperity means (the group we were with is called Americans for Prosperity.) My seatmate and I worked as a duo and this is what we came up with.

People who fear the Lord,

Ruled no more by the sword

Opportunities to go far,

Successful wherever you are

Provided the Lord’s commands

Established by taking a stand

Rising above the strife with

Integrity living your life

Trusting His way is best even when put to the test

Yielding to God’s hands, all our cares and plans

What does Prosperity mean to you?

Living for Him,


It’s Fall!

October 10th, 2012

Fall…is a wonderful time of year!

Fall…where the leaves on the trees change colors!

Fall…where the weather goes from hot to cool crisp fall weather!

Fall…another wonderful season God created for us to enjoy!

It's Fall!

Quote of the Day

October 10th, 2012

“It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.”

~Aristotle Onassis

A Little Bit Of Encouragement

September 11th, 2012

As we go through life, it will change daily…the road is hard, journey’s tough. But no matter what, God will see us through.


July 18th, 2012

“People must be decided on what they will NOT do, and then…they are able to act with vigor on what they ought to do.” ~ Mencius

Jon & Brianna’s Wedding

May 25th, 2012

Click to watch the recorded wedding and events from Saturday, May 26th, or go to www.justsimplyamazing.com/wedding

Wedding Details:
Date:   May 26, 2012
Time:  4 pm Mountain Time